"If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life." Humphrey Bogart

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's official! :)

November 27th, 2010

Yesterday was surely one of the most important days in mine and my wonderful husbands life! Matt was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! The spirit was so strong at his baptism and I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with emotion. I feel so lucky to have him in my life and I am excited for our life to come. This is just one step closer to having an eternal family! I love Matt and all that he does for our family. He is patient, kind, loving, understanding, giving, and so many other great qualities. I found a keeper! lol After his baptism he said, "I really do feel different." This is just the beginning of so many blessings for our little family!

Our Day of Thanks...

Thanksgiving was a success! We had tons of food and good company. I still feel full from thursday ;) I am so very very thankful for my family and for my new little family that is expanding soon! This year has been amazing and I can't imagine what the Lord has in store for us. Enjoy the pics!

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