"If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life." Humphrey Bogart

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Room in progress

When Matt and I first got married we didn't have a lot. In fact, we started off with just a bed. Well, lucky enough I have been able to accumulate things here and there. It's such a project decorating a room. Especially on a budget. I finally got started this last week and I am enjoying it so far! I have a couple projects in store and I will definitely blog about them as I go. This is a picture of the room so far. Mind you, we started off with just that bed. :)

This is it so far. A longggg way to go but a great start! I have tons of project ideas that hopefully my mom and I will do. Curtains, Pillow covers, and a chandelier soon to come! Yay for projects :)
p.s. Matt sent me the first "love letter". It was wonderful and it brought me to tears. I have a wonderful husband!

1 comment:

  1. This looks beautiful. Great job Lauren. I am sure Matt will love it. :) Love you! Yay for your "Love Letter"..


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